Sunday, September 2, 2007

Better day

I wound up sleeping most of the day, must have been pretty worn out this week, I don't know what from, though.

Ate oatmeal with cream and sugar for breakfast. Went right back to sleep and woke up too ravenous to cook, so ate a spoonful of peanut butter for lunch (I know, I know...)

Dinner was great, though, salmon, rice and a salad. Had another spoonful of peanut butter and ate a kit-kat after dinner, and ate some noodles with butter and parmesan that O made as a bedtime snack.

Went for a short walk, 30 minutes, but not much other exercise or activity. Tomorrow being the 1st day of school for us, I'm hoping to get a bit more done.

Tomorrow's plan:
breakfast-oatmeal or muesli
lunch-tuna sandwich and canned soup
dinner-chick pea curry on rice with lentil dhal, simple green salad and raita

yoga program #1
45 minute walk

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